AQUASTAT - FAO's Information System on Water and Agriculture


    • Table 1: Example of an irrigated crop calendar
    • Table 2a: Areas equipped for irrigation and cropping intensity by region
    • Table 2b: Areas equipped for irrigation by region (in %)
    • Table 3a: Irrigated harvested crop areas by region (in hectares)
    • Table 3b: Irrigated harvested crop areas (in % of total irrigated crops)
    • Table 3c: Irrigated harvested crop areas (in % of specific irrigated crops)
    • Table 3d: Irrigated harvested cereal areas by region (in hectares)
    • Table 3e: Irrigated harvested cereal areas (in % of total irrigated cereals)
    • Table 4: Water requirement ratio by country
    • Table 5: Water requirement ratio by region



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