AQUASTAT - FAO's Information System on Water and Agriculture

    AQUASTAT Symbols

    The AQUASTAT Main Database symbol scheme has changed to provide more information to users, and for consistency with developing FAO initiatives.

    Here is an explanation to the new symbols:

    • No symbol: Data come from one national source (report, publication, official website, etc.)
    • L: Modelled value
    • I: Internal estimate (previously known as F)
    • K: Aggregate value, either an aggregate of more than one source, or a calculated value depending on values with mixed symbols that include "external" values (E) or aggregate values (K) in addition to at least one value without a K or E symbol
    • E: External value (reported by another international agency*)

    *: Some of the data provided in the AQUASTAT Main Database were generated by other agencies. There are two reasons why the AQUASTAT Main Database includes these numbers:

    • A specific variable is outside of AQUASTAT's mandate (ex. population, country area).
    • Another agency might have a specific value that replaces either an AQUASTAT data gap or less-dependable value. This is frequently the result of on-going harmonization.

    The source of the value of a variable with the E symbol is given in the definition of the variable, which can be accessed by clicking on the (i) icon to the right of each variable in the database query page. In the future, the source for values with the E symbol will also be provided directly on the database. In the meantime, please refer to the following table. If a value in the AQUASTAT Main Database has the E symbol, its source is:

    FAOSTAT: Variables: Total area, Arable land, Permanent crops, Undernourishment

    UN Population Division (through FAOSTAT): Variables: Population

    World Bank: Variables: Gross domestic product (GDP), Agriculture - value added to GDP

    UNDP: Variables: Human Development Index (HDI), Gender Inequality Index (GII)

    CRU: Variables: Average precipitation in depth

    FAO Climpag: Variables: National Rainfall Index (NRI)

    WRI (World Resources Institute): Variables: Interannual variability, Seasonal variability

    JMP of WHO/UNICEF: Variables: Access to improved drinking water source

    Eurostat or UNSD: Variables: Some in: Water resources section and Water use section

    OECD: Variables: Some in: Water use section

    Data without a symbol comes from one national source that can be a report, a publication or an official website.